Tim Chartier


I have several areas that overlap with the humanities. First, my first love has always been theatre arts, which is more of a fine art. Still, deep within performing is writing. This is probably what enables me to be active in exposition. I'm currently working on 2 books both expository. I've also begun writing for the Huffington Post's Science blog. I enjoy reaching out to the broad public and engaging them in math. For many this is both a surprising thing and often very refreshing. Some people think it is like having the Cat in the Hat try green eggs and ham. However, the Cat in the Hat had never tried the dish. Most have tried, often feeling quite force fed, math. The distaste reminds me of my childhood dog's reaction to seeing the vet's office. Yet, that's the beauty of engaging such audiences...they feel an unmistakeable moment when they see math in an exciting way--something they possibly didn't see as possible for them. Often, it leads them to wanting to learn more...and have another such moment. Technology happens to be a way that can make content feel fresh...to young and old.

Galaga---ah yes, I was a cheapskate and mainly watched other people play when we went to Pizza Hut. I'd cheer them on and feel a sense of satisfaction in their accomplishments which were always much more impressive than any I could have achieved.

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